Dr.Younis Ali Ahmed



  • BSc Information Technology (SIMAD (Somali Institute of Management and Administration Development), Mogadishu, Somalia.
  • Master of Business Administration-Information Technology (MBA-IT) ( Kampala International University (KIU) ) Kampala, Uganda.
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Specialization: Information System (IS) Knowledge Management  (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia(UTM)) 
Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations
  • Member of Moderation Committees


Research Topics
  • • knowledge-based systems
    • Software engineering,
    • Information System,
    • Knowledge Management,
    • Social Network
    • Disaster management

Research & Publications

  • • Ali, Y., Ahmed, M.N. Ahmad, & Zakaria, N.H. (2015). Knowledge Sharing Framework for Disaster Management. Journal of Research and Innovation in Information Systems (JISRI), 9(1), 50-60. Review Article; ISSN: 2289-1358
    • Ali, Y., Ahmed, M.N. Ahmad, & Zakaria, N.H. (2016). Towards Exploring Factors That Influencing Social Media Based Knowledge Sharing Intention in Disaster Management. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Engineering and Applied Sciences (JATIT), 88(3),404-414. ORI Article(Scopus, Q3-Computer Science); ISSN: 1992-8645; ARPN
    • Ali, Y., Ahmed, M.N., Ahmad, N. & Zakaria, N.H. (2019). Social Media for Knowledge Sharing: Systematic Review. Telematics and Informatics (Telematics), vv(i), pp-pp. Review Article (ISI, Q1-Multidisciplinary); ISSN: 0763-5853; Elsevier17
    • Khurshid, M. M., Zakaria, N. H., Rashid, A., Ahmed, Y. A., & Shafique, M. N. (2019). Adoption of Transactional Service in Electronic Government–A Case of Pak-Identity Service. In Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society (pp. 439-450). Springer, Cham.
    • Khurshid, M. M., Zakaria, N. H., Rashid, A., Shafique, M. N., Khanna, A., Gupta, D., & Ahmed, • Y. A. (2020). Proposing a Framework for Citizen’s Adoption of Public-Sector Open IoT Data (OIoTD) Platform in Disaster Management. In International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications (pp. 593-601). Springer, Singapore.
  • Undergraduate Courses
    • System Analysis and design
    • Computer Networking
    • Software Engineering
    • Data Structure with C++
    • Research Methodology
  • Postgraduate Courses

    • Information Technology for Managers
    • Change Management
    • Distributed System
    • Science and Technical Research Methodology
    • Disaster Relief Management
    • Management Information System
  • Knowledge Management

Milestones, Awards, and Achievements

  • 2018- Best Student Award (UTM 60th Convocation Ceremony)
  • 2018- Certificate of Excellence (Doctor of Philosophy – Information Systems)
  • 2013- Best Lecturer Award, Faculty of Computing SIMAD University
  • 2012- Best Lecturer Award, Faculty of Computing SIMAD University


Phone: +252612334084

Email: [email protected]